さすがにいろんな人から怒られることが多くなってきたのでいいかげん comjong.comの更新をしようかと。
def combination( t )
max = {}; max.default = 0
s = separate(t)
return max if s == []
if s.size > 1
a = []
s.each{|i| a << combination(i)}
return merge_combination(a)
b = s.first
b.shift while b.first == 0
b.pop while b.last == 0
return @@cache[b].dup if @@cache[b] != nil
c = {}; c.default = 0
for i in 0...b.size
# sequence
if b[i+2] != nil and b[i] >= 1 and b[i+1] >= 1 and b[i+2] >= 1
t = b.dup; t[i] -= 1; t[i+1] -= 1; t[i+2] -= 1
c = combination(t)
c["sets"] += 1;
c["headed_sets"] = if c["headed_pairs"] == 0 then 0 else c["headed_sets"] + 1 end
max = max_combination( c, max )
# triplet
if b[i] >= 3
t = b.dup; t[i] -= 3
c = combination(t)
c["sets"] += 1;
c["headed_sets"] = if c["headed_pairs"] == 0 then 0 else c["headed_sets"] + 1 end
max = max_combination( c, max )
な感じにして、今までの結果を最大限に生かしつつ、そこからの差分だけ読むようにしてやればいい感じかも。ちなみに [3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1] を読ませたときのキャッシュの中身はこんな感じになります (Hash の default は 0 ね) 。
{[3, 1, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>1, "sets"=>1, "pairs"=>1, "headed_sets"=>1},
[2, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>1, "pairs"=>1},
[1, 1, 1, 0, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>0, "sets"=>1, "pairs"=>0},
[1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>0, "sets"=>1, "pairs"=>1},
[2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>2, "pairs"=>2},
[2, 0, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>1, "pairs"=>1},
[1, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>0, "pairs"=>1},
[3, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>2, "sets"=>1, "pairs"=>0, "headed_sets"=>0},
[3, 0, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>2, "sets"=>1, "pairs"=>0, "headed_sets"=>0},
[3]=>{"headed_pairs"=>1, "sets"=>1, "pairs"=>0},
[3, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>2, "sets"=>2, "pairs"=>0, "headed_sets"=>1},
[1, 0, 1, 0, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>0, "pairs"=>1},
[1, 1, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>0, "sets"=>1, "pairs"=>0},
[2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>2, "pairs"=>2},
[2]=>{"headed_pairs"=>1, "pairs"=>1},
[1, 1, 0, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>0, "pairs"=>1},
[1, 0, 1]=>{"headed_pairs"=>0, "pairs"=>1}}